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Thursday 13 May 2021

New Political Glossary for 2021

Songwriter's Notebook: New Political Glossary for 2021: Times change, and so do politics.  Here I give a crack at defining the basic political camps as they exist in the US today.

Sunday 7 February 2021

Navalnyj - retoriker och dörröppnare

Birger Schlaug: Aleksej Navalnyj - modig retoriker och dörröppnare.: Efter en föreläsning om demokrati på ett av Moskvas universitet kom professorn fram och sa: "Demokrati - härligt, härligt, men farligt...

Sunday 10 January 2021

David Rovics - An Open Letter

    This Week with David Rovics: An Open Letter to Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys: Have you ever found yourself surrounded by masked rioters being chased by flag-waving patriots and thought, I've seen this movie before...

Saturday 7 November 2020

This Week with David Rovics: Taking Stock

This Week with David Rovics: Taking Stock: "If you really look at the results of these elections with a clear eye, and you understand how I make my political predictions, and why they are more or less accurate, you will conclude that what the people want is socialism.  If they can't get something that feels like real socialism, they'll settle for fake socialism, also known as National Socialism, also known as fascism.  What they hate the most is the capitalist elite.  So many people are so desperate and feel so legitimately so abandoned by the Democratic Party and any connection it used to have to the working class, that they would rather vote for anyone who appears to be critical of the establishment, regardless of how vile that person may be in every other possible way."

Monday 21 September 2020

David Rovics: Diary of a Smoke Refugee

This Week with David Rovics: Diary of a Smoke Refugee: As Arun Gupta tweeted the other day, “Pardon the catastrophic global warming, we now return you to your regularly scheduled state violence.”...

Monday 8 June 2020

Dominating Cities and Dominating the Narrative

This Week with David Rovics: Dominating Cities and Dominating the Narrative: What I am saying here is familiar to many people with a knowledge of actual history, rather than the fantasy version in the textbooks.